
Dr Patrick White works with the Department of Veterans' Affairs and leads a team that provides direct support to current serving ADF members. Patrick's team assists ADF members to set the conditions for a successful transition to civilian life by enabling them to understand and access key supports and veteran entitlements. Patrick is also an officer in the Australian Army Reserve and coaches junior cricket and soccer at local clubs in Townsville. In addition to these roles, Patrick is an Adjunct Lecturer in the College of Arts, Society and Education, with degrees in both History and Politics.

Patrick’s primary research focus is the political history of development and population growth in northern Australia. His research has demonstrated how Australian governments attempted to incorporate the north into the nation's foreign and defence policies in the twentieth century. Patrick has previously published research exploring environmental, political, and military history. His PhD research illuminated the politics, people, and ideas behind campaigns to defend, develop, and populate the Australian Tropics.

Currently, Patrick is working on multiple research projects including the publication of a book about influential political voices in the Australian Tropics, including the rise of Townsville and Cairns based First Nations political activists; the impact of defence development and national security initiatives on northern Australian communities; and the role of the New Zealand-born academic, economist, and diplomat, Douglas Copland, in promoting arguments for decentralised development--and a focus on the north--in mid-twentieth century Australian policy debates.

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ResearchOnline@JCU stores 13+ research outputs authored by Dr Patrick White from 2015 onwards.

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